Integrate Saucery

How To Integrate Saucery

Create a SauceLabs account

Go to SauceLabs and signup for a free trial account.


Create a simple class library and reference Saucery (for NUnit) or SauceryX (for XUnit) from NuGet


Alternatively configure your build server with your SauceLabs account details and install the Sauce OnDemand plugin for Jenkins or Bamboo or set simply set the SauceLabs environment variables for Saucery to find.

In the job configuration, specify the platforms you wish to target.

Write your tests

Have a look at the ExternalMerlin.NUnit or ExternalMerlin.XUnit projects in Github for examples. You can focus on your application and your tests. No need to think about DesiredOptions at all. Integration with SauceLabs is seamless!


Execute your CI job and sit back as the awesome is unleashed!